The Junior League of Greensboro, North Carolina

Out of Our League

1/2 cup butter

3/4 cup sugar

1 egg

1 teaspoon vanilla

1-1/2 cups flour sifted

1/4 teapoon baking powder

1/2 teaspoon salt

Melt butter in 2-quart pan. Remove from heat and cool slightly. Add sugar, egg, vanilla, and beat until smooth. Sift flour with baking powder and salt over mixture and blend thoroughly. Place pan with dough in refrigerator 30 minutes.

Divide chilled dough in half and shape each half into roll, 1-1/2 inches in diameter. Wrap in wax paper and freeze. Slice 1/4 inch thick and place on greased cookie sheet. Decorate with sprinkles, raisins, nuts, etc., if desired. Bake 10 to 12 minutes at 350°.

Yield: depends upon cookie size


  1. Found that chilling the cut out dough for ten minutes helped the cookies hold their shape while baking

  2. Increased the oven temp to 375° to help reduce spread

  3. Definitely found dough needed to be chilled when not rolling/cutting as it softened quite easily


Chicken Breasts in Sour Cream Lemon Sauce


Cheddar Cheese Quiche