Here goes nothing

It’s April 2020. We’ve been under shelter in place and strict quarantine orders for about a month now in PA. I may have gone a little stir crazy last week/bought a bunch of Junior League cookbooks on eBay.


These vintage cookbooks brought much-needed joy when they arrived in the mail today, which planted the seed of an idea. What if I broke out of my routine of quarantine-cooking all the usual things, and instead tried my hand at these classic JL recipes?

Here goes nothing.

Some initial considerations:

  • We’re under quarantine as I write this, which means shopping for ingredients is difficult, and stores are short on a lot of inventory

  • Working with what I’ve got already on hand will be the top priority in an effort to limit food waste/be resourceful while quarantined

  • It’ll be fun to cook outside my comfort zone, but I’ll be avoiding recipes that include ingredients I just don’t like until I can share with others

What is the Junior League?